
9 Fascinating Seal Facts


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9 Fascinating Seal Facts

Seals, being captivating marine mammals have been fascinating scientists and nature enthusiasts for a while now. This creatures are amazing creation of nature and have some peculiar attributes which differentiates them from living animals. 9 cool things you probably didn't know about seals

1. Diverse Species

These seals make up over 30 different species, from the most common harbor seal to the grand elephant. They have their own unique characteristics and adaptations, which enable them to survive in different situations.

2. Exceptional Swimmers

Seals are built for swimming. With their less-rigged bodies, in addition to the large flippers which they use for navigation, they swim through the deep. Certain species can even dive over 1500 feet to find food!.

3. Unique Communication

Some seals have up to 19 different types of vocalizations that they use when communicating with one another, such as barks, growls and whistles. They communicate with the help of these sounds, especially during breeding season or in other social interaction.

4. Incredible Vision

Seals can see really well under water. Their eyes are designed in such a way that they can view deep inside the water column and still be able to fix their vision on objects at both close range or far distances, making them excellent hunters of ocean depths.

5. Blubber for Insulation

To keep warm in chilly waters, seals have a thick layer of blubber beneath their skin. This fatty tissue acts as insulation, allowing them to thrive in frigid environments without succumbing to the cold.

6. Diverse Diet

Diet: The diet of seals is diverse, based on their species and the habitats in which they are found. Someopt for fish, squid and crustaceans, while others hunt larger prey likepenguins or adults seals.

7. Breeding Sites

During the breeding season, seals typically aggregate in large colonies. In other words, these sites are where mothers haul out to give birth and feed their pups in safety away from the predators and human interference.

8. Long Lifespan

However, seals have an incredibly long life-span. Larger species, such as the bowhead whale can live to be 200 years old!

9. Conservation Status

Many other populations of seal species are threatened by changes in climate, habitat loss and human activities. This is absolutely vital to guarantee the existence of such majestic animals as they are considered keystone predators in marine ecosystems.

In conclusion, seals are incredibly interesting and valuable residents of marine ecosystems. Therefore understanding their behaviour and problems that they encounter will aid in promoting conservation efforts of the species. So, the next time you see a seal remember all of these fun facts about them.



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