
Puppy With Mange Condition Transforms After Receiving Love And Affection From Rescuers


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The Rescue Puppy: A story of misery into a life of Vibrancy

One of the things I love about animal rescue is that incredible stories of transformation are almost run-of-the-mill. One of such stories was that about a puppy who appeared to have been discovered in worst state conceivable, be fighting against severe mange. The skin disease caused by parasitic mites inflicted the little pup — it was made to suffer both physically and emotionally.

The Initial Struggle

The puppy was nearly hairless and had raw, inflamed skin when he first turned up with rescues. Here was a scared little fella and completely confused with his new surroundings, contrasting behavior compared to what you would expect for the average puppy. You could see a shift in the puppy with every passing day of neglect and many began to wonder if he had any chance to recover.

A Spark of Hope

Once saved, the little dog was surrounded by loving and caring individuals. We were able to provide medical treatment for the mange, which took much efforts by our team. BUT MEDICATED SHAMPOO, NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT AND THE RIGHT MEDICATION WERE ALL A HUGE PART TO HELP HER PROGRESS . But maybe more than anything, there was love that surrounded the puppy.

Love in Action

Slowly, as the puppy was showered with affection and care, something wonderful started to unfold. And then, as if by magic it metamorphosed gradually. Then the shy dog began to see small glimpses of hope and love. Rescuers gave the puppy gentle petting, whispers of tenderness and playful contact — slowly helping it to regain trust.

A New Lease on Life

As his coat grew back, the lush fur matched Niko's restored spirit. The puppy that had been so shy and sad was suddenly playful. It made some wonderful highlights at the dog park with chase and fetch, And a real twinkle in it's eye.

A Happy Ending

And today this resilient puppy is now in a loving forever home. This touching story is a great example of empathy and animal resilience. In this beautiful story that unfolds, we get a glimpse of what love and caring can do to change the lives of those who hurt.

Looking back on this journey, it is evident that every rescue has a tale of resilience and recovery- A story between man kind & animals-universal language. Each and every simple act of kindness, generates ripples that affect not only a life but many.



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