
15 Birds With Snazzier Hairdos Than You


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15 Birds Sporting Fancier Hairstyles Than You

As far as fashion goes, birds must be some of nature's best contenders — and these unique feathered creatures definitely know how to make a statement with their plumage. From fancy top knots to colorful plumage, these birds have hairdos even the most stylish humans would envy. Today, we will discover 15 splendid birds displaying their gorgeous feathers that you would love to have!

1. Crested Cockatoo

The Crested Cockatoo is truly a showstopper, with its flashy crest it can raise or lower in an instant. These birds are well known in the bird world for their beautiful yellow or white feathers.

2. Harpy Eagle

This impressive appearance contributes to making the harpy eagle one of the largest and most powerful eagles.

3. Birds of Paradise

Most of Birds of Paradise are resplendently plumaged and perform extravagant displays. They look like haute couture runway outfits made of feathers.

4. Blue Jay

The striking blue coloration and their prominent crest endow Blue Jays with an air of elegance. I mean come on, those red feathers are pure style.

5. Puffin

These cute little guys have bright orange beaks and a colorful face, making them at once recognizable. They think the puffins' cartoonish, bizarre look is delightful!

6. Greater Bird-of-Paradise

Even their feathers go above and beyond – they have the longest, most extravagant plumage that allows mesmerizing aerial displays to be performed. This is a sight of two souls with love so profound; one cannot help but to be spellbound.

7. African Grey Parrot

This is not the only high intelligence rating these little beauties have, they also boasts long and elegant feathers that dress them in a classy finish.

8. Eclectus Parrot

Because males are predominantly green and females red or purple, the Eclectus Parrot exemplifies sexual dichromatism.

9. Secretary Bird

This makeson the most sartorial raptors of the avian community, clad in excellently-cut feather coat including two impressive tail feathers.

10. Quetzal

Quetzals are light green with reds and long tail feathers that flow behind them like silk in the wind to create a truly exotic look.

11. Mandarin Duck

Mallards are widely known for having the drakes sport some of the most colorful, and quite artfully designed feathers in nature. Onlookers never cease to be amazed by the colorful and elaborate patterns they create.

12. Resplendent Quetzal

Living up to its name, the emerald green plumage of this bird is truly magnificent and it has every right to be called a gem among all other birds that inhabit Central American rainforests.

13. Indian Peafowl

We cannot talk about amazing bird hairstyles without considering the Indian Peafowl. Nature show-stops with its breathtaking, fanned-out iridescent tail feathers.

14. Scarlet Macaw

The Scarlet Macaw is stunning and quite a sight contrasting his vivid red, blue and yellow feathers proudly making him one of the most beautifully exotic birds in existence.

15. California Condor

The California Condor, in addition to being huge and territorial also has unique feather patterns that look sharp as hell soaring through the skies.

But birds have plenty of style sense, too – it's not just a human thing! The dazzling variety of styles, colours and compositions in the avian population is nothing short or beauty incarnate that calls forth as much adulation as admiration. The next time you are in awe of the sky, spare a thought to the stylish birds that we share this world with!



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