
Cat Microchipping


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The Importance of Microchipping Your Cat

Micro chipping is essential so your valuable feline friend can increase security and safety. This painless, rice-sized chip is injected just under the skin and acts as a lifetime ID tag for your cat. We Investigate Why It Is Important For All Cat Owners To Microchip Their Cats

What is Microchipping?

A microchip is a small device with a unique number attached to detailed information on an animal database held by your local council. While collars and tags can be lost or removed, microchips provide a permanent form of identification for your cat.

Benefits of Microchipping Your Cat

1. Permanent Identification
If your cat becomes lost, a microchip greatly increases the chances of you getting them back. Microchip readers are available from many shelters and veterinary offices so they can immediatley get into contact with you.

2. Prevention of Theft
Cats are a popular target for thieves who want to use the animal away from home — such as selling it on or in some cases, more sinister motives. The good news is that they are only likely to be taken for one of those reasons, making them relatively easy for potential thieves if not microchipped (although many will have enough brain cells in action to reject taking a dog whom the owner may trace through its chip) The sooner dogs and cats can all move around cyberspace like this lost Boxer big Diesel…it cannot happen soon enough…

3. Travel Safety
Microchipping is very important if you are going to be taking your cat travelling. Even if traveling with your pet means getting them across lines of jurisdiction, a chip is another level of safety and assurance.

The Microchipping Process

Microchipping is a simple quick process. The chip is injected with a needle, much the same as vaccination. It is generally relatively painless and short lived for most cats. Following the surgery you must ensure that your cat's chip is registered with a Pet database and keep hold of any paperwork sent to check all details are correct.

After Microchip

After you have had your cat microchipped it is important to remember to update the registrationENDIF Keep them informed of any changes in your address or phone numbers so they can get hold of you if your pet is found.


While getting your cat microchipped may seem minor, it will dramatically increase the chances of them coming back home safely. Provides an additional level of safety for the pet owner and their best friend Choose to be a responsible owner today and include microchipping as part of your cat's total care package.



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