
How to look after your dog’s paws in the winter


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Winter Care for Our Dogs Paws

This is more important as winter approaches, and maybe our furry friend getting little extra treatment on their paws. Just like us, cold weather is very hard on their little paws. Below, we present a few useful ideas to maintain your dogs paws in good shape when it starts getting colder.

1. Regular Checks

Get used to check your dogs paws regularly. Inspect for any cracks, redness or foreign objects wedged in between the fingers. It can quickly pick up snow, ice or other debris which make it uncomfortable and unsafe to walk in.

2. Keep Fur Trimmed

If your dog has long fur between their paw pads, this can get snow and ice trapped in it which may lead to soreness. Consistently keeping this fur trimmed can make a walk much more pleasant for your four legged friend and reduce the number of ice balls that form.

3. Use Paw Wax

Adding a protective layer to your dog's paws by applying paw wax can further protect them from cold surfaces and harmful chemicals in de-icing products. Don't forget to put some on before taking the dog for a walk.

4. Booties for Protection

Invest in some dog booties to keep their feet protected from cold temperatures and less than ideal surfaces. Although not all of them are right away accepting, with tolerance and utilization of condolences, a lot are empowered to wear everything.

5. Hydration and Nutrition

Similarly, keeping your dog hydrated and feeding a well-balanced diet will keep their skin healthy as well. Provide them with lots of fresh water and feed the an omega–fatty acid-rich diet to help support your dog's paw health.

6. Watch for Ice Melt Products

Most of the de-icers available can actually be damaging to your puppies paws and beyond! Wipe your dog's paws with a wet cloth after walks to remove any toxic substances they may have walked on and prevent them from licking it off.

7. Monitor Paw Health

If you observe this in dogs such as limping, excessive chewing or licking of the paws persistently seek professional help from a veterinarian. They can give advice which is particular to your Dog little needs of health!


Use these simple winter paw protection tips for your dog Keeping track of their paw health will ensure that they remain content happy and able to run around in the wintery wonderland without experiencing discomfort or injury. Keep in mind, you are just a little more thought and care away from making sure your pup stays healthy through the chillier months.



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