
Physiotherapy for your pet


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Taking Animal Physiotherapy to the Next Level

But when our animals experience issues as a result of injury, illness or simple ageing processes; physiotherapy can be invaluable. Much like those with whom we share bodies, animals can receive tremendous relief from rehabilitation techniques focused on improving the way their bones and muscles work.

Physiotherapy for Pets Explained

It applies various therapeutic methods to the recovery of physical health in animals rather than just humans, called animal physiotherapy. Its main goal is to return the system function, reduce inflammation and help in post operative or injured recovery. A qualified pet physiotherapist will evaluate your pets health and design a treatment program unique to them.

Benefits of Physiotherapy


  1. PAIN MANAGEMENT: For many pets arthritis, injuries or surgical recovery cause chronic pain. There are many different methods that physical therapy utilizes for reducing pain, such as: massage and ultrasound.
  2. Better Mobility: Regular physiotherapy will help to strengthen and bolster the flexibility of joints, allowing for more movement of your dogs.
  3. Quicker Recovery: Customized physiotherapy programs may substantially improve the recovery of your pet following surgery or injury and help them return to their normal daily activities sooner.
  4. Prevention of Injuries: Physiotherapy strengthens muscles and increases flexibility in the long term, helping to keep your pet protected from potential injuries; this could be especially beneficial with active animals or those playing sports etc.
  5. Longer and Better Quality of Life: In the end, animals who receive physiotherapy is able to lead a longer active life.

Types of Physiotherapy Techniques

Pet physiotherapy can include various techniques, such as:

  • Get Therapies via Hands: Manual massage is manual therapy that decreases muscle stiffness and improves blood flow to the cell muscles.
  • Hydrotherapy–Exercises which are water-based and thus minimize the joint stress.
  • Electrotherapy, involves the use of an electrical machine to produce movement or help remove pain.
  • Therapeutic exercise: this is to perform specific exercises designed at strengthening muscles which are contributing the weakness and being unable to do typical everyday activities.

How to Find a Pet Physiotherapy Provider

If you are even thinking about physiotherapy for your pet, it is very important to go to professionals who hold not only the human muscle qualifications but also animal ones. Your pet will go through a full workup and you will be involved in your pets care throughout the entire process.


Pet physiotherapy is an essential rehabilitation exercise of overall animal care. Whether helping a recovering injury, controlling chronic pain or increasing mobility; phsyiotherapy can have great effects of your pets health and happiness. You may not realize it, but your pet could use physiotherapy for mobility issues or after an injury to ensure that they have the healthiest and most energetic life possible.



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