
Finally Answered! Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?


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The Great Debate: Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

The chicken or the egg that has baffled thinkers, scientists and philosophers over the centuries. This debate involves the part of our brain that knows this is nonsense and what delusions it comes from The level where philosophical musings briefly meet scientific inquiry- a conversation being held in realms such as biology, zoology even metaphysics.

Historical Context

This question is ancient, reaching back to the time of Aristotle and Greek philosophy which sought to explain why things are cyclical. Aristotle said that either the chicken or the egg has simply always been, in some form. But, as science has advanced so too have suggestions — some more solid answers.

The Scientific Perspective

The scientific answer to that, from a field called evolutionary biology. Reptiles, from which birds evolved over millions of years (Fig. From this perspective, the egg becomes precedent. Because the earliest chicken had to emerge from an egg laid by a non-chicken. So even though, genetically speaking, that chick enters life as a descendant of Gallus gallus (the red junglefowl), it's still not 100 percent hen or rooster according the birds we know today. This seemed to suggest that, when it came down the grand pageant of evolution, the egg in fact arrived before the chicken.

Evolutionary Breakdown

  1. The Reptilian Ancestors: Before the existence of chickens, their ancestors, the reptiles, were already laying eggs.
  2. Genetic Mutations: Through gradual mutations and natural selection, a bird emerged that was distinctly different from its ancestors. This bird laid an egg, leading to the first genetically true chicken.
  3. Defining 'Chicken Egg': A key aspect of this debate is how we define a "chicken egg." If we consider any egg laid by a chicken to be a chicken egg, then the answer gets tricky. However, if we define it as the egg from which the first chicken hatched, the egg is undeniably first.

The Philosophical Angle

At least on a philosophical level, this question is about cause and effect. But given that everything is caused by something else, are we really ever arriving at a point zero? This has led many philosophers to suggest that such questions are in principle unjustifiable or meaningless.


The inevitable answer to this question might keep some philosophers and scientists in debates for ages, yet scientifically it appears as though the egg is what entered into creation first on a large enough scale of evolution. This age old question will likely never have the same answer across everyone, but it sparks thought and ideas from many fields. And so, the next time you are faced with this question, just remember that one way or another… it is probably egg!



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