Why Cats Eat Cat Litter 10 Vet-Reviewed Explanations
Cat eating litter, you are probably very confused how we got here. If your best buddy is a bit on the strange side, this might not seem like an issue but if he/she has other symptoms and his/her eating habits have changed (for example such as unusual litter eating) . Here, we will explore ten expert-backed reasons for this strange feline behaviour
1. Nutritional Deficiencies
If the diet of your cat is lacking in essential nutrients — and even if it isn't cats are instinctively drawn to things that feel a certain way or smell good enough, they almost cannot resist so will turn over litter boxes as a source of support. Make sure that your cat is getting a balanced and healthy diet When in doubt, see your vet.
2. Pica Disorder
Some cats will exhibit a non-food eating behavior called pica. It can be as much litter, but also fabrics or plastic. Pica can be brought on by stress, boredom or it indicates a nutritional deficiency so mention any concerns relating to pica at your next veterinary health check.
3. Stress and Anxiety
Moving to a new home or getting another pet can also incite stress behaviors in cats, who are very sensitive creatures. In such conditions, they might eat rubbish to vent their anger.
4. Boredom
Stimulation is amazing for cats. If a cat does not have enough mental stimulation from toys or playtime, it can eat the litter because it is bored. If you incorporate interactive toys or have daily play sessions with your cat this should keep them entertained.
5. Litter Texture Preference
More over some cats like the way their litter feels. The materials used may be attractive to them and they might chew or eat it. Try changing the type of litter to see if that has an effect on their behavior.
6. Medical Issues
This habit is due to various health reasons. Your cat may be trying to eat non-food items due to gastrointestinal disorders or infections. You should visit the vet if litter eating is consistent with vomiting or diarrhea.
7. Curious Exploration
Cats are natural nibblers, and they tend to sniff out interesting things by tasting them. But for all we know, litter could be just a part of their own curiosity. Providing your cats with environmental enrichment play keeps them entertained and less bored which can prevent this behavior.
8. Feline Pregnancy
Behavioral changes in a pregnant cat can include craving non-compatible items that are more common to mammals . Hormonal shifts during pregnancy can lead to a disorder called cultural eating, or pica.
9. Litter Flavors
Some litters include fragrances, so watch your kitty or else they might want to eat it. If this is a common behavior you notice, type fragrance-free litter into your Amazon search.
10. Instinctual Behavior
On very rare occasions your cat might in fact be playing at their wild roots and eating things that they would eat as a nesting material. As little as it is, this could be another factor in some cats.
It is important to understand why your cat eating litter! Should this behavior continue, or if you have any concerns please consult your vet. In the end, you should take care of your furry friend!